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Respect for human rights

To respect Human Rights

As part of our code of ethics, respect for human rights is one of our key commitments, underscored by the signature of the Global Compact in 2003. In addition to training our international human resources heads, every two years since 2007 we assess the practices of our subsidiaries with more than ten staff members.

ethical, social, and environmental audit

In 2015, Groupe SEB decided to apply the same ethical, social and environmental audit procedure that it operates with its suppliers (WCA – Workplace Condition Assessment) to its plants in risky areas ( ), using the same specialist consulting firm Intertek.
The audits (conducted once every three years) are accompanied by action plans to rectify any non-compliances, and sites with a compliance score of less than 70/100 must undergo a follow-up audit. The action plans are submitted to the Sustainable Development department. This department shares them with the Industry department (including the Health, Safety and Environment managers), the Human Resources department and the Audit and Internal Control department, which are therefore able to verify their implementation. An annual summary of the audit results is also sent to the Executive Committee. This monitoring system, similar to the one used for the Group’s suppliers, allows external comparisons to be made and the generating of audits that can be used in dealings with customers.
In 2019, eight sites were audited in India, Egypt, Vietnam and China. The average compliance score was 81/100, and no zero tolerance non-compliances were identified.